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To learn more about the various aspects of locks, check the wikipedia pages for locks and readers writer locks Here we briefly mention the main notions used in the documentation.

  • Lock - a mechanism that prevents two or more threads or processes from running the same code at the same time.
  • Readers writer lock - a mechanism that prevents two or more threads from having write (or write and read) access, while allowing multiple readers.
  • Reentrant lock - a lock that can be acquired (and then released) multiple times, as in:

    with lock:
        with lock:
            ... # some code
  • Mandatory lock (as opposed to advisory lock) - a lock that is enforced by the operating system, rather than by the cooperation between threads or processes

  • Upgradable readers writer lock - a readers writer lock that can be upgraded from reader to writer (or downgraded from writer to reader) without losing the lock that is already held, as in:
    with rw_lock.read_lock():
        ... # read access
        with rw_lock.write_lock():
            ... # write access
        ... # read access
  • Readers writer lock preference - describes the behaviour when multiple threads or processes are waiting for access. Some of the patterns are:
    • Reader preference - If lock is held by readers, then new readers will get immediate access. This can result in writers waiting forever (writer starvation).
    • Writer preference - If writer is waiting for a lock, then all the new readers (and writers) will be queued after it. This can result in readers waiting forever (reader starvation).
    • Phase fair - Lock that alternates between readers and writers.